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no diet is ever going to work unless you have the right mindset and today you’re going to learn by a leading expert how to eat mindfully after all don’t you want to look great feel great and be great stay tuned [Music] welcome to Paula today alright I know that so many of us want to look great so great and that’s a wonderful thing but did you know that 9 out of 10 people who start a diet they absolutely fail and you’re gonna say oh why’d you have to tell me that because I’ve got hope for you I’ve got a leading expert here who’s written a book think and eat yourself smart she’s gonna help you not get into that failure category not be part of the 90 percent but be the part of the 10 percent because this is not just about food there’s so much more so with me is dr. Caroline leaf who you know is so good to have you with us dr. Lee’s a piece of again it is such a blessing so she is helped me with all this she is a communications pathologist she is a research neuroscience am I getting it right so far PhD in communication pathology and she’s really an author lecturer teacher and she’s got a team of researchers that all these things that we’ve been told in life all these things that we have come to believe are really faulty and false and one of it is you know let’s talk about eating let’s talk about our health because first off the mind has a lot of power over the body and some of the diseases the inflammation the things that we experience but then what about the foods and and how do we how do we get to that place where we have the energy we feel good yeah it’s not just about okay everybody loves that I look good part yes but I like that I feel good exactly I agree with you and and they go hand-in-hand when you feel good your body’s gonna do what it should do exactly that’s a totally correct well Paula this one I don’t there’s so many diets out there as you know you can yeah and and every day this is good for you tomorrow that’s bad for you so the confusion there greens it’s got to point in in history way you almost need a nutritionist to help you do the most basic thing which is eat and that is concern me now as a neuroscientist and also practicing clinician for 25 years I don’t anymore I had to advise people on also management of mind but management of brain and body because your mind is moving through your brain in your body and as you were discussing on the other shows your mind is 99 percent of who you are and your brain and body are the 1 percent but it doesn’t mean you can neglect the 1 percent if you because it’s only 1 percent you think oh it’s only a small percentage I can eat whatever I want I mean I’ve even had people say to me oh but I’ll eat what I wants and just pray grace then I say well God is not a genie you don’t use God like that you take if you call yourself a steward you’re a steward of all of creation which is mind body brain and the earth so based on that what happens is that there isn’t one diet there is one rule and then one rule is it real food mindfully not as eyesight so I go here real food so that means things like processed food is gonna be about exactly because it’s damaging to the body things that are so when we say real we want to look at just like the cup of this book the broccoli the avocados the nuts the good exactly the food that without the chemicals without the the farm-to-table stuff that’s alive the stuff that’s low called the suffix in season the or as I call happy cars and happy chickens the animals that have roamed through the pasture so that the Omega 3 and 6 are balanced which is so important for brain health and body health so it’s the most logical stuff it’s logical eating right but mindfully the mindful part is massive so when it comes to eating mind x dominates mind is the 80 to 95 percent of the process of eating and the the actual physical eating is only 5% of the process which is interesting or five to 20 percent of the process so what that means is that every time you eat your digestive system is being controlled by what you’re thinking about so wait a minute this is really important when you sit down to eat if your mind’s not right it’s gonna mess up your digestive exactly so your digestive system from your tongue and all the different parts from your tongue your throat and your esophagus and your stomach and your pancreas and your gallbladder and your intestines everything functions according to the instruction of the mind so whatever your mind is thinking that energy of your mind the huge mountain it’s moving through your brain and building the sort is then influencing your digestive system maze so here you’re sitting with this great organic farm-to-table salad with pasteurized chicken or whatever it is that you’re having the virgin olive oil the keto coffee that but you see that’s all but but you sitting there totally toxic because you’re not dealing with some sort of an acute stress or or you’ve got unforgiveness in you that’s a mess of one or you really better about something or you’re just irritable or you’ve just had an argument with your husband or a friend or something if you’re frustrated or angry or bitter or unforgiving and you even need great healthy kita keto farm-to-table or posture is Kelsey all the right stuff if you haven’t eaten that and you what immediately happens is that thought is that it’s a toxic thought it instantaneously at quantum speeds which is ten to the twenty seven which is faster than 400 billion actions per second sends this toxic energy through your entire digestive system and your digestive system cannot work properly activates the vagus nerve which is called the highway between the gut and the brain and basically everything gets messed up multiples think crazily one of the things pool of their kids since it’s gonna fall over one of the things that’s just one one thing just to give you an example your pancreas which is part of the digestive system it has to release 20 different neuro peptides for the assimilation of nutrients and also to tell you when you feelin hungry it plays a role everything plays a role all over together so you can’t separate out one I’m just talking about one example so all the things that can go wrong when you toxic in terms of eating so it’s a healthy salad one of the things that can go wrong is that your pancreas doesn’t secretes those trained Team Europe peptides or only secretes of fusing water so that’s one of the works with your harper sediments in your brain to tell you when you fuller not full works with your endocrine an endocrine system so everything works together said one thing crashes it kind of everything aeration fresh so then you get this message and if that isn’t released if those neuro peptides aren’t released that means you’re actually knockin you’re going to lose up to 80 if not more percent of your nutrition which then sets off a reaction in your gut you reduce but virtual cut your mucosal lining of your gut doesn’t create doesn’t crease mean state itself you’re got bacteria get damaged you get a message back to brain you can get things of I’m depressed but you’re not actually depressed you just have got this crazy feedback group going on because you didn’t do the forgiveness or deal with that issue gonna put your food down don’t eat when you like that always tell people you’re not gonna die if you don’t eat is very good too fast it’s extremely good for your brain and longevity right put your food down don’t eat if you worked up only eat when you’re calm it’s like really that’s mindful eating then I talk about eating real food mindfully it’s interesting when you cry stuff what happens like when you’re people we live in a in a very high paced and busy society and you see people going out to restaurants and a family sitting there and they’re all on their phone they’re all doing things with their phone and instead of actually enjoying the middle and they join the family enjoying the conversation so that’s impacting us right well totally because the phone first of all is generating a certain type of energy that stimulates your brain and if you keep looking at it it’s very fast especially they’re scrolling through social media it’s been designed to it create this very fast burst of stimulation that satisfy if that satisfies a a hunger in the brain but it doesn’t it’s it’s something that needs to be controlled because it backfires so our brain can go fast but it’s not supposed to be Frost all the time so I’m not anti your phone but I’m auntie the most management it’s all about management’s so if you put that phone there that’s the one thing that does it so that thing you eat faster you’ll make bad food choices you’re not going to digest the whole digestive system goes crazy it’s so this whole thing of okay you just got to eat this kind of food and exercise really we can almost shelf but I’m gonna say totally throw it out yeah but we can pretty much shelf that because a lot has to do with are we brain healthy exactly exactly if you don’t get your mind healthy day for brain healthy so we it’s mind so it’s we have to renew our mind and bring our thoughts into captivity about eating we have to look at what are the non conscious drivers for why am i grabbing their takeout food when I’m feeling anxious and worked up why am I not thinking about my food choice you know what what is driving me to eat eating is not just something that we do to keep alive no thing is a whole emotional it’s a metacognitive event I want to talk about that I know we’re gonna come back in just a minute but a lot of times they say we emotionally eat and so we’re I think we tried to sabotage or maybe I is such a strong word but self medicate ourselves by yet people can use it as comfort eating and I’ll explain to you why after the DFT yeah right I’m like what happens like why we’re doing that because so many people are they’ll say man I don’t ever eat or I barely eat and I can’t lose weight but see there’s so much more than just the food itself and just the exercise itself which both are important what kind of food you’re eating are you eating like we said the organic the healthy the good the keto all of that wonderful stuff but if your brains off and remember let’s say this if your minds off because the brain is the 1% the mind is 99 percent which is your thoughts your feelings and your choices when that’s off it’s like self-destructing everything that you think you’re doing right so we’re going to come back and help you live a very healthy lifestyle how you can think and eat yourself smart we’ll be right back [Music] our thoughts before during and after eating profoundly impact our food choices our digestive and brain health and more if you’re tired of traditional diets that don’t work think and eat yourself smart from dr. Caroline leaf is an incredibly unique look at how our mind affects our eating habits if you think in a toxic waste if you’re not if you don’t deal with your toxic issues yeah and if you don’t deal with the tumors of your life so it’s to care to be volunteering in voluntee put your body to know great information you can’t adjust food you put on way to you eat make their own food choices you make their own life choices in the pages of thinking eat yourself smart from bestselling author communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist you’ll discover how to admit it concerning the modern American diet quit it as you overcome the mindset and meals and finally beat it by learning how your food choices control your mind which controls your brain which controls your body it also includes a 21 recipe kickstart form entrees to desserts and is available for your ministry gift of $40 or more when you call toll free write to Paula white ministries or click on Paula white org you will also receive the companion workbook it takes 21 days to rewire your brain and then 42 additional days to begin building a new way of thinking think and eat yourself smart offers the key to developing a healthier body brain and for life the good stewards of the body God gave you request your copy today [Music] thank you so much for supporting us to take the gospel all around the world and our wonderful incredible humanitarian acts we’re feeding the hungry I mean literally millions of pounds around the world also visiting the prisoner making change transformation in lives from building orphanages schools education helping people with mental healthcare so many other things but thank you every time you give it makes a huge difference and I want to get to you dr. Lise thinking eat yourself smart listen this is 12 practical things in the back how you can literally transform and and I’m not saying transform where you’re going to diet nobody wants to be on a diet the first three words are die so I mean it’s like this is how you become healthy this is how you feel good have that energy that you literally look good and I’m gonna say something about that a minute so this is the book along with the workbook for your ministry gift of $40 or more and so many people can say more you know what people say to me all the time so I’m a grandmother I have a three and a half year old that you just got to meet my future and I have Nikolas who’s a year a little over a year my husband’s on my seventy and they say he’ll be something in a few months well actually probably right around when this is airing and people always say to me they can’t believe it they’re like you look too good you you you you’re like Benjamin Button you keep like young younger getting younger yeah but I say well it’s from the inside out yeah really yes because it’s not what’s going into my body now that’s important I realize like you know there was a time where I was so strict I also focused on what you eating you know that term Luther weeks yeah so tell me about that is Ben when he’s so focused on being almost phonetic about yeah healthy food yes I was definitely that issue none of us you know it was interesting because I ate all the right stuff I mean I had the nutritionist I did all the right things and then John and I meet we marry in and have all this wonderful he’s a foodie so I say well maybe I backslidden some of my eating but what he did for me got the mind rights exactly is more important and I didn’t realize it until this actual conversation yeah because I’m like oh my back slidden am i eating you know but actually what I’ve done is I’ve slowed down yeah I’ve enjoyed my meal wonderful it’s community for us Chuck you know we think we talk we enjoy it i videotape chef john so it’s really made a difference and I want people to get a different perspective so dr. Leif helped us to transform because weight is a huge struggle helped us a huge struggle and we know this that most diseases are caused by inflammation we know I call like it that yeast be sugar just speeds all that young stuff in our body and you know that’s the grab and go type of stuff that we don’t need to do and we’re doing devastating stuff for children you were telling me something about sodas oh gosh Jana that does totally destroys yeah well basically off your top addiction is love no one can live without love now the word addiction we see as being is we think it’s a bad word but addiction is a good word it means consumed by so we wired for level brain embodies wired full of the Earth’s one feel of God is love we live in love we made of love at all kind of fundamental core we are waves of love energy at the quantum physic level so we food is also designed to feed that so when we try and win live real food and mindfully we’re operating in that love zone when it comes to eating and that sounds so we have been what we’re doing is feeling that it’s all with science and science is God stuff but when we get toxic we actually create we create and disturbance in our body in our blood chemistry in our and the way our photons are moving in our body there are souls are functioning so something like sodas and the modern American diet they they distort the correct addiction so we shift the instead of love we go to cravings it’s toxic it’s a toxic addiction and it’s never satisfied so you keep going back for more more and more and so food is designed and the food industry is unregulated which is very important to understand there are factories out there I’m silent laboratories out there that design food to override the to take advantage of this consumed by this addiction this need that we have in our body but we have to eat food we have to love and we have to eat food and they design it in such a way to actually distort the hormones and the brain system so for example food they’ve been kids in as young as 3 & 4 they create these concoctions of chemicals and high fructose corn syrup and damaged fats and salts and they give these different portions to these kids looking for the points at which the child says – 3 – nice – those who are perfect it’s called the Bliss point so they’re looking for the point where the chances give me more give me more give me more at that point in the brain what you’ll see is the thought pathway is damaged the energy pathways are damaged in the brain their hormone system becomes damaged so they design food to damage your brain and your body and your endocrine system so that you eat more so you don’t know when to stop and that’s why people consume vast amounts of junk food because it’s been designed to override your breaks in your brain and your body that God has naturally put into us so this is why the Mon American diet is we have to be mindful when you you’re not just giving your child a soda soda is more addictive so we go down the addiction list to bring it all circle back love is the first addiction we can’t live without love we can’t live without food and so those are the top two addictions in that same list of five addictions that we don’t need we can’t over that love you can’t live without food but we can live without heroin and cocaine and psychotropics and alcohol which forms basically the rest of that list so the point here is that the modern if you’re not eating a healthy diet you’re eating the modern American diet so number two is swapped from the healthy food to the unhealthy food the modern American diet the sodas are more addictive than cocaine that’s wait wait wait the modern American diet is more addictive than cocaine in here or addictive think oh so I’ve said to parents and I go to places and I see them feeding their kids junk food I’ll say you actually say forgiving your child’s cook chocolate cane who’s gonna give their child cocaine you know easy to get your child of cocaine that is to get them off junk food and the damage that’s been done by the modern American nuts insidious and amazes feedback loops that sit up in your brain but pull it this so much advice out there on what to eat healthy that’s why in my book I don’t teach you to eat a brain duct I’m teaching you how to eat real food what it is yeah mindfully so when you spoke about you and John sitting down let’s talk about 12 points in the beat addictions Association some of those 12 points or a few of them so it would help a person okay so a practical way so they would see lifestyle transformation and then they’re gonna wake up and honestly so a lot of people don’t there was a time when I when I got pregnant with my son who you just met I gained over 100 pounds so I was over 200 pounds well which people are like there is no way until they find the pictures you know teenagers yeah and it took me about a year and I’m for that I never ever have had a weight issue and and a lot of it has been by healthy thinking healthy eating healthy eating etc it’s been all the things we’re talking about so I understand these struggles I understand ways I mean I just wanted to eat all the time when I was pregnant I didn’t want to have morning sickness so I you know peanut butter and jelly on English muffins constantly like 10 hour probably I mean it was like ridiculous yeah but but that’s so important because when you do get it right your body naturally goes to the way it was created to be for exactly that’s exactly totally talked to the point so the first in the third section of the book everything you’ve just said I’ve kind of like putting the thing in the story that you’ve just described where you actually got your mind right around eating and lifestyle what I’ve done in is these twelve points and the first seven literally mind things so for example when you are the preparation that goes into a meal the way you sit down at a meal the preparation that goes into when you go shopping of example if you are hopeful about your life you will buy a food that will actually give you longevity versus if you feel depressed you’ll buy junk food you know so it’s just things like don’t eat with your cell phone how you cook your food the enjoyment of it the socialization that occurs the the really making sure that you did that if you angry and worked up don’t sit down and eat so until you calm down so if you have to miss a meal miss the meal rather get your mind right than just jumping in see wewe are designed pulla to self-regulate or thinking every 10 seconds okay so all from neuroscience we see because we think okay self-regulation what does it mean we can control our brain our brain doesn’t control so we see from neuroscience that we are able to stand back and observe our own thinking and literally control what we are thinking about six times a minute which is every 10 seconds which means all the time so you can constantly monitor your state of mind in every situation in this case we’re talking about eating and so that’s vitally important it’s almost like you’re living a life of pre it’s continuous Predacon really capturing your thoughts and food isn’t is is one of those things that we always celebrate everything around food so it’s a it’s a beautiful thing we should be enjoying if he for tastebuds in our throat that or design for us to enjoy if we God wants us to enjoy right but if your mind is toxic those taste buds don’t work if your mind is toxic your gut won’t work nothing works properly so that’s where the first the transformation begins with with understanding even how to shop even how to sit down everything mine and then into so really if my mind is toxic and I have these bad toxic thoughts yes my taste buds are not gonna work right no they’re not gonna work right your system your processing systems not going to work right you you’re not going to your your gut microbiome won’t work right and there’s a direct link between your your brain and your gut the enteric nervous system there’s more these this brain tissue in your guts it is most there’s more nerve those in your gut their brain tissue in your gut than these in the spine so okay guys it’s a more brain tissue in your gut than there is in your spine so there’s no way you can go on a diet you can go on the latest fad you can get this one or you can get that one and go why isn’t working because if you don’t get it right up here you’re not gonna get it right anywhere else so dr. Leif has helped us with that and we’re gonna be right back because we want to help you think and eat yourself smart I know you want the body you’re gonna get the body you can get the body God designed you for you’re gonna get all of that you’re gonna get the joy you’re gonna get the peace but you’ve got to get it right right up here we’ll be right back [Music] our thoughts before during and after eating profoundly impact our food choices our digestive and brain health and more if you’re tired of traditional diets that don’t work think and eat yourself smart from dr. Caroline leaf is an incredibly unique look at how our mind affects our eating habits if you think in a toxic waste if you’re not if you don’t deal with your toxic issues yeah and if you don’t deal with the tumors of your life those to care to be volunteering in voluntee put your body to know great information you can’t adjust food you put on way to you eat make their own food choices you make their own life choices in the pages of thinking eat yourself smart from bestselling author communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist you’ll discover how to admit it concerning the modern American diet quit it as you overcome the mindset and meals and finally beat it by learning how your food choices control your mind which controls your brain which controls your body it also includes a 21 recipe kickstart form entrees to desserts and is available for your ministry gift of $40 or more when you call toll free write to Paula white ministries or click on Paula white org you will also receive the companion workbook it takes 21 days to rewire your brain and then 42 additional days to begin building a new way of thinking think and eat yourself smart offers the key to developing a healthier body brain and for life the good stewards of the body God gave you request your copy today [Music] are you ready to look great bill great well you’ve got to be able to think and eat yourself smart literally and dr. Caroline leaf has taught us how in her book she gives 12 very practical things at the back that are gonna help you we’ve talked about some of them like the socialization the phone I mean how you cook how you think all about this they’re shopping if you go shopping in you’re angry we’re gonna deal with so many more but things but this really is a guidebook that is so different it’s not telling you you’ve got to be on this kind of diner that kind of died this is going to give you where you have the energy you feel good and feeling good and have the energy I promise you you’re gonna look good because that’s think that’s just the natural consequence and then you’re gonna get the workbook along with that for forty dollars and when you call the toll-free number write the p.o box or you go to the website you’re gonna help us preach the gospel around the world to help millions of people like we are today and you know there is something significant that when you have that kind of energy I could never do what I do if I didn’t take serious that my my body belongs to the Lord and I had to take care of it as much as anything else so did my mind so does my spirit and every aspect of that so people are dying prematurely yeah at an unprecedented rate and I know we’ve only got like a minute or so up but all disease basically is related to inflammation exactly and inflammation comes from what dr. well basically from your soul class so we see that for the first time in history the trend of people living longer has reversed completely from the mortality statistics of people are the way you think if you think in a toxic-waste if you’re not if you don’t deal with your toxic issues yeah nigga don’t deal with the tumors of your life so it’s two categories voluntary and involuntary put your body into low-grade inflammation and that basically sets you up for you can’t digest food you put on weight you you eat make the wrong food choices you make their own life choices and that’s 95% of disease is coming from our thought life this is causing inflammation is causing disease the cancers the cardiovascular those 95% of diseases are lifestyle diseases sign is powerful mind is so when we sit here and think about there really is when we say the old thing mind over matter is truly matter that’s what your mine yeah that’s catching so it’s mind of the meta it’s it’s amazing what this does so then impacts every single area of your life and if you want to get healthy if you want to get heavier vitality if you’re saying I want to look good I want to look good in that bikini alright get there but you better get there by making some right decisions because remember mind is thoughts feelings and choices so I want to pray for you because perhaps you’ve been struggling and I know that so many people say Paula please pray for me I’ve had this addiction I’ve been struggling with weight I’ve been struggling with feeling like a failure I struggle with and think about how we reinforce so if you go on a diet which only you know one out of ten are successful yes then you feel like a failure when you feel like a failure you start self-sabotage and inflammation then you’ll get sick your body breaks down and it becomes this cycle so father in the name of Jesus right now we just pray for everyone who is struggling let them know that whom the Sun sets free is free indeed and they are freed by the truth that they know so I pray for a real relationship with you that if they would confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and their Savior and believe in their heart believe that receive that and that they would receive you that they would begin a brand new life as a brand new creation in Christ Jesus I pray that you would set them free with knowledge and the power of your word we love you god bless you and make sure you reach out to Paul a white ministry think and eat yourself smart offers the key to developing a healthier body brain and spirit for life the good stewards of the body God gave you request your copy of this life-changing book and workbook for your ministry gift of $40 or more when you call or click on Paula white org today

No diet or workout routine will work or be sustainable until you get your mind and mindsets right. In this interview, Dr. Caroline Leaf and Paula White discuss how to cultivate the correct mindset for sustainable change, and how to overcome eating issues.

Get a copy of her book here:  Think and Eat Yourself Smart


See also: Dr. Caroline Leaf Channel | Paula White Ministries Channel on Elevate Christian Network


Cee Harmon is the founder of Elevate Christian Network and Elevate Your Potential Magazine. He enjoys helping people improve the quality of their lives - spirit, soul, and body.
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