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Does Interval Training Work? How to Maximize your Workouts- Thomas DeLauer

I talk with a lot of people that are into high intensity interval training. But does interval training work? I mean, does it REALLY work?

Well, when done correctly, there’s no doubt it can be effective.

Although it may or may not directly change the amount of calories that you necessarily burn Some studies have shown (specifically one by the Physical Activity Sciences Laboratory, Laval University, Ste-Foy, Quebec, Canada) HIIT burns more subcutaneous (under the skin) fat then other versions of cardio, possibly in part because of the increased muscle capacity for fatty acid oxidation (in other words it allows more fat to be utilized for fuel by the muscle).

The reason that I usually recommend High Intensity Interval Training is not because of the effectiveness of the fat burning, but more so because what you can accomplish in such a short amount of time.

I see a lot of people focusing on performing HIIT in equal intervals, like 1 minute on, 1 minute off, but in reality, that can become ineffective, because you’re not truly tapping into your body’s anaerobic energy system.

The purpose of HIIT is to engage what is called the Anaerobic Energy System, this is the same energy system that you use when you lift weights. It gives you quick, bursts of strength or speed.

Every person is different, so some people may require more recovery then others.

If you’re not pushing it hard enough, you’re staying in between the aerobic energy system and the anaerobic, and you’re never really letting your body get the metabolic overdrive that you need.

So one of the simplest, most surefire ways to make sure that you engage the right energy system is to stop worrying about how long your intervals are. JUST STOP.

Your intervals should be short and intense, about 15-20 seconds of OUTRIGHT struggle.

Your recovery should be as long as it takes for you to recover, it might be 1 minute it might be 2.

You need to let your body recover its anaerobic energy system so that you can give it your all on your intervals. Rule of thumb, if you’re feeling more than 60% fatigued from your last interval before you start your next…. You need more time

Just remember, your benefit is coming from the TIME THAT YOU’RE Doing Your interval, not the overall period of the workout!

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Cee Harmon is the founder of Elevate Christian Network and Elevate Your Potential Magazine. He enjoys helping people improve the quality of their lives - spirit, soul, and body.
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