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Posted by Categories: ISN - It's Supernatural Network with Sid Roth

Video Transcript

hello welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural my guest is the first woman in 1,400 years to go into a mosque proclaim Jesus and see miracles how did she get such favor I want to know do you want to know I want to know and we’re going to find out because anything she can do you can do better and I’m gonna tell you something else you are going to build on her shoulders as you learn these mysteries hello civil affair with Marilyn Nikki and I I have to tell you an 81 year old woman flies to Pakistan has a couple hundred thousand mostly Muslims hear her proclaim Jesus seeing miracles how do you do it at 81 Marilyn Hickey well let me tell you how and how everyone can do it that’s even better yes faith in Jesus is the big key now people look at their age God’s not looking at your age people look at their color God’s not interested in your color people look at their gender God’s not interested in your gender what he responds to is your faith in Jesus so every Christian can do all things and you know what she almost missed what she’s doing today except she met a young man who started insisting that she move into areas of the Spirit and he started praying and fasting for her tell me about that well we were engaged and my fiancee said I’m not going to marry a woman who’s half hearted for God he said I serve the devil thought my heart and I said I was so insulted I said well I’m saved he said that you’re not committed and I’m not going to marry you unless you have a commitment to the power of the Holy Spirit so he said I’m on a three-day fast I was so insulted as a schoolteacher couldn’t sleep at night and you were nice Christian eyes a nice Christian but not to commit it and so he fasted and God dealt with me each night because he’d been dealing with me for a deeper walk for four years and so the third night the Lord said to me I’m not going to deal with you about this ever again about he said I’m going to show you if you turn down the power of the Holy Spirit at this time he said you are going to move to California you’re going to get your master’s degree you’re going to marry a Christian have happy life he said but I have something so wonderful for you you cannot imagine God’s destiny for every one of you well and and by the way it’s not just a nice story God speaking to you right now so Marilyn did something that I wish I wish I could have done one of the greatest miracle ministries I ever read about sort of in the Bible but on the same level was a man by the name of Branham and Marilyn had a problem the doctor said she couldn’t have a child so she goes to this meeting how many people were at branham’s meeting with you uh probably was about five thousand I was in Dallas Texas and what happened well I was 26 I’d been married three years they said I could never have a child I had an inherited condition and he called me out of the audience well Here I am on a platform facing this man and had the most unusual experiencing life I I don’t know how to describe it but it was like a wheel within a wheel lower on the ground and I could see it and as it turned it went wish I could hear it and this man is saying to me you’re not from Denver car you’re not from here you’re from Denver Colorado from a wooded area and you can’t have a baby now I’m thinking if I see it never met you never and ever he just pulls you right out of an audience act Li and he could have been a I mean how could he have known any all those things it was the Spirit of God he said you can’t have a baby but he said go home and receive your child and girls I’m telling you girl within a wheel it came into my feet and it wasn’t until ten years later I got pregnant and I went to a doctor I said I think I’m pregnant he examined me he said no you’re not impressed pregnant that’s impossible he said you’re not pregnant you’re going through a change so I went home and went through some more changes and and went to another doctor he said this is a five and a half month pregnancy and of course you can see Sarah on my program but the key ten years from that word you see it’s like the game of baseball you don’t have three strikes and you’re out you are only out if you quit swinging you got it good all right okay Marilyn very quickly people have had influences on your life Kenneth Hagen taught the authority the believer Bill Gothard briefly what influence did he have on your life Kenneth Hagen of course got me into the word and just soaked in the heard with faith and authority taking authority against the enemy walking in the power of the word but Bill Gothard got me into meditating on the word so Joshua 1:8 for probably what almost 42 years has been the theme of my life it says if you meditate in the word day and night if you speak the word day and night if you do the word day or night you will make your own way prosperous and successful it’s not what happened to Bill Gothard when he meditated well he was retarded actually and a sudden yeah he was retarded they just pushed him from grade to grade and in fourth grade a sunday-school teacher began this boys class memorized the word and he continued to do that graduated valedictorian and then you know graduate from university and so on wait till you find out all the things that God has taught this woman and remember what I said anything Marilyn can do you can do better be right back our world is rife with comparisons about what separates us day after day we go about our lives with tunnel vision but scripture tells us how Messiah broke down the wall between Jew and Gentile allowing for the creation of one new man one new humanity this spiritual completeness is set to usher in the greatest move toward God the world has ever known Sid Roth has discovered scriptures key to reaching the Jewish people with God’s love one does humanity opens the door for God to move in signs and wonders and all will see the evidence of the invisible God promised in Scripture at sidroth.org you’ll find mentoring tools to empower you to share how one new humanity is critical to bringing multitudes to know God you’ll understand Israel and the Jewish roots of the church and how all the nations of the earth will experience blessings unseen in human history log on to sidroth.org today and learn how one new man is the key to unlocking God’s greatest blessings we now return to it’s supernatural I said Roth here with Mel and Vicki in Maryland you have a statement that you have been saying for years this is what she says I love Muslims and Muslims love me but this is absolutely ridiculous tell me I mean well because you’re number one you’re a woman number two you’re your age number three you you’re not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus number four you go in miracles tell me about when you first went to Pakistan the first time I went to Pakistan was 1995 and I was frightened you know I thought because everybody told me they’ll shoot me yeah the first night though I just taught the Bible a mirror one miracle of Jesus prayed for the sick and had dramatic miracles it’s his name and nobody walked out nobody shot me by the fourth night you see by the fourth day we had over fourth twenty thousand people first not four thousand last night twenty thousand people you just got back from Pakistan how many people did you have there two hundred and ten thousand how do you preach the gospel to two hundred and ten thousand mostly Muslims now that is ridiculous favor that’s not just favor that’s ridiculous favor I want to know how you have ridiculous favor don’t you 81 well I believe the best miracles that’s the biggest meeting I ever had I was 80 at that time I had that meeting and I just turned 81 not too long ago but what I began many years ago is I prayed over the nations of the world and I always had a warm feeling toward Pakistan and then I had a warm feeling towards Sudan and some of these Muslim countries you realize one-fifth of the world’s population is Muslim and how are they to know the gospel if we don’t go now here’s what they love they love healing miracles because in the Quran it says that jesus heals well you got a bridge you know and so if you ever prayed for an imam oh yes in healed oh yes I have it on video tell me in the second time I went to Pakistan a Imam who was blind in one of his eyes received his sight and came and testified you’ll never forget Jesus when you’re blind and you can see right now you can’t say that he was faking it you can’t even say it was psychosomatic you can only say daughter’s real right that’s what I’ll say right exactly so each time I would go I’ve been six times we would have big meetings in stadiums wherever I could have them and pray for the sick because you advertise and say come and be healed but what if no one’s held Marilyn oh you’re a big trouble that’s the first thing you know what the name of jesus heals all healing all forgiveness of sin has been purchased for us it’s not my name it’s his name that’s why believers can lay hands on the sick and they will recover this is for everyone I want you you talk about a word that I love and I don’t hear enough about it’s called expec what is expectation to you expectation is putting your faith in what God says and proclaiming it and then he manifests it you believe you will see yeah but what would you say to someone that says I’ve been doing that for years and I haven’t seen it so I have I just don’t expect anything anymore so I won’t be disappointed what would you say to that woman I would say to that person you’re giving up too soon giving up too soon because people said to me you can’t do this you’re a woman you’re too old to do it but God thinks you can do anything remember that God thinks you can do anything put your hand on your heart say I believe I believe God thinks I can do anything so if God says it God says I believe it and that settles it all right can you believe okay you ready ready do you believe that there is our women watching right now that were where you were medically can’t have a child they’re married that’s the only catch things that have to be married they’re married and do you believe if you pray for them right now yes that no matter what reason they can’t have a child oh boy you’re able to no matter what yes then do it and I want to say something my anointing and faith in this is growing people are having twins well go for it go for okay put your hand on your body you’re watching right now know that your father loves you so much and he promises that the Baron will bear so father in the name of Jesus I send your wonderful word into every barren woman who has her hand on her body and your word cannot return void your word prospers and accomplishes in that widget sent to so I thank you that word now is coming into them that word of faith I thank you for bees that are healthy that are not rebellious that serve God all their lives and even easy deliveries in Jesus name Amen you know Marilyn as you were praying that and by the way I absolutely expect to get so many reports of miracle babies but I see people with arthritis in their fingers if you will start bending your fingers right now you’ll see that the carpal tunnel it you’re free in Yeshua’s name and some of that peace that is on Marilyn and myself I just pray it go right through the video right through the television right now and you receive some of that and when we come back I’m going to find out some more secrets and I want to really find out how a woman the first woman in history goes into a mosque preaches Jesus the miracles of Jesus and miracles take place and by the way that’s not in the Middle East that’s in the United States be right back we’ll be right back to it’s supernatural eighty one-year-old Maryland says if miracles follow me miracles will follow you for over 37 years Marilyn Hickey has mentored people worldwide to walk in the supernatural of God now she wants to mentor you call now and get Marilyn hickeys anointed book your pathway to miracles Plus her life-changing two-part audio CD teaching series God’s authority use-it-or-lose-it yours for a donation of $35 shipping and handling is included ask for offer number nine one seven zero Marilyn hickeys book will help you discover seeds of miracles that God has already planted in your life develop an IKE an attitude that makes you a miracle magnet level every mountain in your life to access your breakthrough experience the power and anointing of the prayer of favor through her powerful audio CD teaching series you will discover how you were made to take authority receive an impartation to activate divine authority to access every promise of God if you meditate in the word day at night if you speak the word day at night if you do the word day or night you will make your own way prosperous and successful don’t miss out on getting Marilyn hickeys anointed book your pathway to miracles Plus her life-changing two-part audio CD teaching series God’s authority use-it-or-lose-it yours for a donation of $35 shipping and handling is included s for offer number nine one seven zero call or you can send your check to sid roth it’s supernatural p o– box 39222 charlotte north carolina 28278 or log on to sidroth.org call or write today we now return to it’s supernatural can you imagine a woman speaking in a mosque about Jesus Muslims present and miracles take place how did you do that Marilyn it’s the favor of God really Psalms 5:12 because I wanted to have a healing meeting in a mosque and break this barrier because once you break it a lot of other people it has domino effect so I met an imam and Detroit asked him about doing this he said no we would never do that but then you don’t give up – you win the game is not over – you win okay you talk about I can what do you what do you mean by that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me you don’t say I can’t cuz everybody said you can’t it’s never been done not going to happen with you had it happened because when I was getting ready to leave and I wasn’t discouraged he said to me the next time you’re in Detroit why don’t you come to my house for dinner six months later I’m in Detroit he said now what is it you want to do I said I want to have a healing Mop healing meeting in a mosque and I want to pray for the sick and believe for the miraculous he said we can do that I want you to say I can’t do all things in Messiah Jesus ya hear that devil you’re not saying it for anyone else’s benefit but the devil and ready to release the Angels to even have a healing meeting in a presentation of Jesus in a mosque what happened well I spoke first time in history and I we had an agreement I could teach the Bible I taught one miracle of Jesus and then prayed for the sick what’s anyone healed oh yes we had people healed of back problems the boy who opened the meeting who’s read from the Quran couldn’t see they had no distant sight and God healed him a lot of people were healed though it wasn’t a big slab but afterwards they always have refreshments and they had like eleven Imams and maybe a hundred people and so I just decided to go from table to table and they would say would you pray for my family would you pray for my backwards right whatever and prayed for the sick and then the Imam invited me back and he I prayed for him and his wife they couldn’t have babies and now they have to that’s normal I wish the whole world was normal you Marilyn cut out in a Maryland one thing I noticed as many people like you that operate in the miraculous when you get sick what happens what like at the time you discovered a lump in your breast not no one else and that was many years ago but I took that scripture because you take the promise to the problem you don’t take the problem to God take the promise that goes with the problem because the promise doesn’t return void so it says the word will be health to your flesh and health there in some places that says medicine so I thought you know you usually take medicine three times a day but I got to get rid of this thing fast because it was growing fast so I stayed up for 24 hours and sent the word into that lump I said this work I read it out loud this word is health to my flesh over the 24 hours how often did you say that okay every hour I did it for 24 times hmm and it was gone it’s come love it I love it I love being normal I did you okay Marilyn um I got a little confession to make I find it difficult to memorize and I think there’s a few people watching that find it difficult to memorize um tell us some tips on memory and also you told me something about what happens the last thing you you look upon or speak up night before you go to bed start with that all right proverbs 622 says when you sleep the word will keep you when you wake up the word will talk to you and when you walk the word will guide you so three times a day I take a verse and you you know you may want to take just one a week and I say that verse first thing in the morning cuz it’s not just you reading the Bible the Bible starts reading you and I speak that verse ten times out loud now don’t ask me why it’s ten I just know this works for me then at lunchtime I speak that promise again because the word guides me in my day but before I go to sleep I speak it because this is what I read that whatever you see last goes through your mind seven times through the night so the word is working in me while I’m sleeping so what is the last thing that you see before you go to bed I think you got the message what if we put on our Twitter account and Facebook account one scripture every week and all of us do it together I think that would be just a phenomenal nattering oh yes and I would suggest John 8:12 it’s as I Jesus said I am the light of the world he that follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of Life so speak that when you get up in the morning you’re not going to have a dark day because you’re following Jesus and he’s the light for this life as well as eternal life I want you to pray for Supernatural favor for our viewers right now oh I love this I love to do this every one of you are to have supernatural favor don’t look at anything about yourself look at who he is and you are in him father I pray for everyone watching this program that Psalms 5:12 says you surround the righteous with favor like a shield and we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus it’s his righteousness and we are surrounded with favor every place we go people love us every place we go we love them we just walk we walk down an aisle in a store and we smile Jesus and people smile back at us because they know there is a favor around us in Jesus name Amen there’s not just a favor around us the presence of God is around us yes and I tell you if God is for you who can be against you I tell you worry for nothing I tell you that you have a peace that is beyond comprehension I tell you you can do exceedingly abundantly beyond anything anything you’ve ever asked or thought according to the power that dwells within you I tell you all things are possible to those who believe I tell you God loves you and has a destiny and a plan for your life and Jesus is the only way to know God only eighty one-year-old Maryland says if miracles follow me miracles will follow you for over 37 years Marilyn Hickey has mentored people worldwide to walk in the supernatural of God now she wants to mentor you call now and get Marilyn hickeys anointed book your pathway to miracles Plus her life-changing two-part audio CD teaching series God’s authority use-it-or-lose-it yours for a donation of $35 shipping and handling is included ask for offer number nine one seven zero Marilyn hickeys book will help you discover seeds of miracles that God has already planted in your life develop an IKE an attitude that makes you a miracle magnet level every mountain in your life to access your breakthrough experience the power and anointing of the prayer of favor through her powerful audio CD teaching series you will discover how you were made to take authority receive an impartation to activate divine authority to access every promise of God if you meditate in the word day at night if you speak the word day at night if you do the word day or night you will make your own way prosperous and successful don’t miss out on getting Marilyn hickeys anointed book your pathway to miracles plus her life-changing two-part audio CD teaching series God’s authority use-it-or-lose-it yours for a donation of $35 shipping and handling is included s for offer number nine one seven zero call or you can send your check to sid roth it’s supernatural p o– box 39222 charlotte north carolina 28278 or log on to sidroth.org call or write today next week on it’s supernatural my guest had a visitation from the ward for three months and he was downloaded revelation from the Word of God so that all of the promises of God will be activated in your life and it’s wonderful that super stars have any activated but my Bible says we only have superstar and his name is Jesus I’m telling you he is so charged with and filled with new revelation that you will never ever be the same you

Marilyn Hickey Interview: She is the first woman in 1400 years to go into a mosque, proclaim Jesus and see miracles take place. She says anything she can do you can do better.

About Marilyn Hickey

Marilyn Hickey responded to God’s call on her life to ‘cover the earth with His Word’ (Isaiah 11:9). The natural inclination to reach out, to celebrate people and culture, were traceable in Marilyn’s formative years; yet she had no idea how God would send her around the globe teaching the Bible and building bridges with people of all cultures and religious backgrounds, especially in the Muslim world.

The Lord has continually opened doors of opportunity for Marilyn in nearly 130 countries. This includes private meetings and prayer with high-ranking Muslim and Hindu government officials. Year after year, Marilyn and her daughter Sarah Bowling cross unfriendly borders with Bibles, teaching materials, and books translated into native languages, often at great personal risk, carrying the gospel into scores of nations around the world.


Marilyn Hickey Ministries - Marilyn and Sarah

Image courtesy: Marilyn Hickey Ministries



Cee Harmon is the founder of Elevate Christian Network and Elevate Your Potential Magazine. He enjoys helping people improve the quality of their lives - spirit, soul, and body.
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