Posted by Categories: Mercy Ships | Hospital Ships

Earlier this year, Mercy Ships volunteer surgeons removed the largest tumor they had ever seen from a kind 55-year-old man named Sambany. Sambany had walked for two days to get to the Africa Mercy, the world’s largest civilian hospital ship. His tumor weighed 7.46 kg (16.45 lbs) and his operation took 12 hours. This was no small battle.

However, the real story here isn’t about Sambany’s tumor – it is about a brave man and his remarkable journey. With his permission, we captured his story on video, which reminds us all of the great obstacles Mercy Ships patients must overcome to access the medical care they need.

Because of our donors, volunteers, and supporters from around the globe, Sambany’s story has a happy ending. To help us treat more patients like Sambany, visit mercyships.org.


Cee Harmon is the founder of Elevate Christian Network and Elevate Your Potential Magazine. He enjoys helping people improve the quality of their lives - spirit, soul, and body.
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