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Posted by Categories: Brain Health and Neuroscience

The Scientific Method has been a staple of Human development & technological evolution for centuries. Often times, in order to know how something truly works, you have to seek an Expert … and that’s exactly what we did.

LOS ANGELES, CA. Ryan Munsey meets up with Dr. Andrew Hill, PhD at Peak Brain LA. The Setup is simple: Have a world renowned Neuroscientist conduct an Electroencephalogram (EEG) Test on our Subject, to detect abnormalities related to electrical activity in the Brain. This procedure tracks and records Brain wave patterns.

The Analysis is coined qEEG, or Qualitative EEG. This helps accurately interpret the results & form conclusions. On Day 1, Ryan enters Peak Brain at 8:30 AM on empty stomach and nothing in his system. No caffeine, no nootropics, no supplements, etc. Dr. Hill discovers that Ryan has a very healthy brain, although there’s an above average presence of Alpha Waves, which in his case can translate to being stuck mentally, inattentive, and spacey.

On Day 2, Ryan takes the exact same Test, but changes only ONE thing. He takes a single capsule of CILTEP, and enters Peak Brain at 8:30 AM. Dr. Hill conducts the experiment and finds some very interesting results. With a single dose, Ryan’s Alpha Waves drop by a standard deviation, which for a normal Patient, would take about 2 months of focused Neuro-Feedback Training.

This is a major breakthrough in our scientific research to prove the effective power of CILTEP. With proper dosing, the individual can bio-chemically reduce Brain distraction, simultaneously allowing Focus & Concentration to takeover. Ryan discusses this qEEG Experiment in detail on Dr. Hill’s Podcast, HEAD FIRST.

Firesong by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100598
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

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Cee Harmon is the founder of Elevate Christian Network and Elevate Your Potential Magazine. He enjoys helping people improve the quality of their lives - spirit, soul, and body.
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